EFACIS Publications

Studi Irlandesi - A Journal of Irish Studies, No 8 (2018)
The latest issue of Studi Irlandesi is now available online...

Migrant Shores - Irish, Moroccan, and Galician Poetry
As we move through the world, we carry our home-bodies with us, ever so contingently… and we provisionally inhabit other spaces, other countries, although home and country may be too heavy burdens for our persevering, yet vulnerable, bodies, as this anthology will illustrate.

Giving Shape to the Moment. The Art of Mary O'Donnell: Poet, Novelist and Short Story Writer
This is the first book to provide a critical assessment of the work of the Irish author Mary O’Donnell. The essays collected here engage with O’Donnell’s writing across multiple genres and explore the themes...

Lady Gregory and Irish National Theatre. Art, Drama, Politics
- Addresses for the first time Ruskin’s immense influence on the period of the Irish Revival
- Represents a pioneering study of the influence of nineteenth-century aesthetic, social and political movements on artistic and social discourse in Ireland at the beginning of the twentieth century
- Combines the latest research within the field of Irish Studies with that within the field of Victorian Studies

Irishness on the Margins. Minority and Dissident Identities
- Includes a rich and diverse range of timely topics about minority voices in the current changing climate of Ireland
- Draws larger connections to Irish literary history and identity by discussing the presence of minority voices in Ireland, both historically and in a contemporary framework
- Incorporates essays on literature, social media, film, cultural studies, politics, religion, performance studies, and art

The New Antiquity - Classical Presences in Irish Poetry After 1960
Invites scholars to reappraise the ways in which the dynamics of the contemporary Irish poetic scene have often been read
Places close readings of key poems within the broader context of the poets’ careers
Draws attention to lesser-known creative engagements with Greek and Latin literatures in its study of Eavan Boland and Derek Mahon

Voyages between France and Ireland
edited by EFACIS members Frank Healy and Brigitte Bastitat
Music, Liturgy, and the Veneration of Saints of the Medieval Irish Church in a European Context
Music, Liturgy, and the Veneration of Saints of the Medieval Irish Church in a European Context
by Ann Buckley
Etudes Irlandaises
Music, Liturgy, and the Veneration of Saints of the Medieval Irish Church in a European Context
We are delighted to announce that the Fall/Winter Issue of Etudes Irlandaises (42.2) has just been published.
It will be available online: http://etudesirlandaises.revues.org

A History of Irish Working-Class Writing
A History of Irish Working-Class Writing
edited by EFACIS member Michael Pierse, UB